Get records (Deprecated)
Returns data synced with Nango Sync
Receive webhooks on data updates
Receive webhooks from Nango when new records are available (step-by-step guide).
Keeping track of where you left off
Each record from this endpoint comes with a synchronization cursor in _nango_metadata.cursor
Save the last fetched record’s cursor to track how far you’ve synced.
By providing the cursor to this endpoint, you’ll continue syncing from where you left off, receiving only post-cursor changes.
This same cursor is used to paginate through the results of this endpoint.
By default, this returns an array of records in the data model that you queried, with some metadata about each record.
The connection ID used to create the connection.
The integration ID used to create the connection (aka Unique Key).
Query Parameters
The data model to fetch
Timestamp, e.g. 2023-05-31T11:46:13.390Z. If passed only records added or updated after this timestamp are returned, otherwise all records are returned.
The maximum number of records to return. If not passed, all records are returned.
The number of records to skip. If not passed, no records are skipped.
Set how the records are sorted. The default is id. The options are 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'id'.
, updated_at
, id
Set the order of results. The default is 'desc'. The options are 'desc' or 'asc'.
, asc
Filter to only show results that have been added or updated or deleted. Helpful when used in conjuction with the delta parameter to retrieve a subset or records that were added, updated, or deleted with the latest sync.
, updated
, deleted
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