API configuration: zendesk

Zendesk has two kinds of OAuth apps:

  • Helpdesk/support apps
  • CRM apps

Nango currently only supports OAuth for the Helpdesk apps. If you need CRM, reach out or contribute it :)


Auth (OAuth)βœ…
Sync dataβœ…
Perform workflowsβœ…
Proxy requestsβœ…
Receive webhooks🚫 (time to contribute: <48h)
We can implement missing features in <48h, just ask for it in the community.

Getting started

Need help getting started? Get help in the community.

Connection configuration in Nango

Zendesk requires a user specific subdomain to run OAuth.

You should request this from the user and pass it to Nango in the nango.auth() call:

nango.auth('zendesk', '<CONNECTION-ID>', {params: {subdomain: '<zendesk-subdomain>'}});

For more details, see the docs here.

API gotchas

  • Make sure to create a Zendesk OAuth app (https://<USER-SUBDOMAIN>.zendesk.com/admin/apps-integrations/apis/zendesk-api/settings), not a Zendesk Sales CRM OAuth app.
  • Zendesk oAuth apps must be made β€œglobal” to connect to multiple <USER-SUBDOMAIN>s.
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